Friday, April 8, 2022

When life throws a curve ball

What do you do when you are doing everything right like leading a good healthy life, exercise everyday, a loving family

and you also  make a difference in a society. You are leading your life with zeal and you are enjoying every moment

and then life throws a curve ball

We can say its all because of Past Karma or we say it is Random but whatever we say it all seems to be a “cruel joke”

Facing your mortality especially when you are having a terminal disease and you know your days are numbered is a

heart wrenching thing for both you and your loved ones.

What is character, its about who you are when the chips are down.

You can be a jolly, happy, pleasant person when everything in life is going good

but when life throws the curve ball, how are you facing it.

This article is triggered by Sarah Hallberg's story


Two other people come to my mind

  1. Randy Pausch
  2. Paul Kalanithi

These people without having any afflictions towards Karma, God, Heaven, Soul etc were able to face

their mortality gracefully and courageously.


I pray that we and our loved ones lead a long and healthy life, but at the same time appreciate life is fragile and finite

and do the best with "the cards given to us".


Don't be too caught up on the mundane things. Spread love, happiness and be pleasant, grateful

and respect and appreciate yourself and others.

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