Friday, February 4, 2011


Isn’t it amazing? Isn’t it absolutely marvelous that whatever man has created has its origin in the mind? Call it idea, vision, imagination, intuition, dream, fantasy or curiosity. It is in the mind and lets generalize and name it ‘Thought’.
The company you are working on, the commutation you took to reach office, the machine in which you are reading it …all started off as a thought.
Man has this thought in mind, but that is not enough for him, he wants to see it in the physical reality. If man got contended with what he saw in his mind’s eye, there would’ve been no civilization, no modernization; man would’ve been just an animal, which spends considerable time of its life in thoughts. This urge to create the thought in physical reality, makes our life interesting.
Isn’t this physical reality just a collection of thoughts? Agreed that there are many things in our lives which are not created by man, like stars, plants, animals, may be these things could also be thoughts coming from some source which we don’t know. Lets not worry about those non-man made things, what matters is there are still many things which are in our ‘circle of influence’ which were created by men and it means that it has its origin in thoughts.
If what I am experiencing now is a bundle of thoughts, not all my own. I want to take an active part in this experience, I want to experience something which currently in physical reality is not in sight. If I could dream about it, visualize and develop the desire to experience it in physical reality then it should be possible to create that experience.
If the experience desired is individual , that is changing my ‘state’ in the physical reality then it could be experienced fairly quickly. If I want my thoughts to affect the physical reality considerably then the thought has to attract similar thoughts. A single thought by a man looks very tiny, but if that thought can spark similar thoughts among men it can create an ‘avalanche of resonance’. It can create magic.
Whatever may be the scale of experience which we desire to experience in the physical reality. If we can focus and nurture the thought, telling ourselves that ‘its possible’, so that the thought can overcome counter thoughts in our mind. Then we have better chance of creating the experience in physical reality.

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