Monday, December 6, 2010

I Choose to Believe

What we call reality is actually our perceived reality. We have physical filters like our vision is sensitive to a range of wavelength and our ears can hear from 20-20kHs. We perceive the reality with our physical and mental filters. The mental filters are called belief.
Belief is so powerful, once we have a belief in place, whatever happens out there. We have our own explanation. Everything looks so logical with our belief in place.
Some common belief systems
1. Everything is happening for a purpose. There are no accidents
2. We are writing our exams. God gives marks
3. Life is to enjoy
4. Everything is random
I don’t want any belief system. I want to see the world as it is. I need no filter
Well, it can be a worthy pursuit, to see as it is. But we humans with so many physical filters, can we see as it is mentally? May be our brains are tuned to work with filters. If we throw all the filters out how will it behave?
If you really want to experience ‘no belief’, then try, “I belief in no belief” (it’s the other way of saying ‘everything is random’)
Even if we fully comprehend the reality, will it be really exciting? What if the reality is just a collection of the total thoughts and belief systems in the universe, then it will be noisy.
When you are talking with your friend near a traffic signal don’t you tune yourself out of the noises so that you can focus on what you really want to hear?
Why can’t belief be a tool to tune in to what we really want to experience?
I see no harm in putting a pleasing ‘green’ filter over my perceived reality. It soothes me and it doesn’t distort the perceived reality.
I choose to believe, in belief.
• I believe that I am worthy of receiving all the abundance, beauty and love of life
• I believe that good things happen to me
• If life throws a challenge, its not to test me and not to correct me. The challenges are for making life more interesting. Challenges are pathways to new exciting experiences.
• I feel extremely grateful for all the wonderful things in life

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