Sunday, November 29, 2020

Character and Success

Ridiculouly terrible people are successful 

Pleasing people are successeeful 

Pleasing people are poor so are terrible people

Pleasing people who are poor are happy so does rich pleasing people 

Conversly terrible people tend to be terrible both rich or poor 

So what is happening here. What is the attitude which we have to keep to be successful it seems you can be successful and rich and still feel terrible and be a grumpy guy. 

There are 2 major themes of energy the way of the light and the way of dark both are powerful. 

The way of light is the satvic way of growing, creating values to others making life better for everyone and by that process generating wealth

The way of dark is about trying to be smart and thinking all other people are dump and trying to extract money from those dump people, getting the last blood of the fellow person, jealousy,  etc

In both ways you can get wealth and similarly in both ways you may end up losing wealth, 

Lets explain the loosing wealth aspect 

You are grumpy jealous and you may end up bumping to a person worse than you (another dark worker) and end up loosing money or the light workers and neutral persons avoid you and seek others (both dark and light workers) leaving you grumpy with poverty

Related to light worker, you have not built a personal ego boundary which can save you. You have no boundary which will result in no personal ambition for material wealth you just want to serve and be happy this will result in both not getting rich and if at all you get rich by some accident you may end up loosing it with this attitude. 

Ego less state or  communion with the universe/ god is a very good state which will recharge you but you need not stay in that state permanently. You have to have an inner sanctity with the communion but have to go back to a good ego state 

If you want to be pleasing or in other words if you want to be a light worker and still create material wealth or for that matter any kinds of wealth like health. You need to develop a healthy good ego which will act as a boundary for your living energy. 

A sense of  Iness is needed for your progress

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