Saturday, February 16, 2013

Good bye Gym

Historically I had time and again enroll to gym, assuming that it was a good investment for health. And I try to go to gym regularly since I had paid a lot of money. I did not have good experience in gym, there are some tough guys showing off and you being a meek try to keep a low profile. Also the Gym instructor wants you to recruit him as a persontrainer and doesn’t care about you until you go in for a trainer package.
Enough is enough… I want to simplify life. I think we knew reasonably well about what is needed to be in shape and healthy. Fitness is important and the basic fitness can be achieved by any individual. Gym is just one of the many ways. I wanted to explore other ways.
  1.  Martial Arts – I did research on this too. Good instructor is very hard and the training cost is becoming very high. I decided to shelve this plan for now
  2. Sports – I would love to play, but with IT life and no vacant space and unavailability of people I will shelve this also for the time being
  3. Your own exercise regime

I’m going to try option #3. This will be the cheapest but requires a tremendous will.
The first step towards developing the will, using the public medium blog. Announcing the start of Fitness Diary.
I hope I see this blog several years later and feel happy on what I have achieved.
Wish me good luck!

Aim: My Pant Size is 34 I want to make it 32 by May (3 months timeframe)
Exercise Regime to start with
If in home – Push up, yoga exercise with focus on tummay reduction, Squats, Cobra Push up and some free kicks.
If outside its cycling and jogging

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