Monday, June 6, 2022

Is God punishing us

You may be thinking this Covid, war etc are Gods way us punishing us. 

Punishing us since we dint go by the moral values, we were greedy and just plain sinners. 

If you can view this topic objectively it seems that it has flaws. 

If humans are the highest evolved speices God has wasted several millions of years since it took that much time for humans to surface. 

Dinosaurs are the most successful species they have lived for 100s of millions of years and have always been a good animal (lived the life of being an animal to the fullest)

Yet God punished them right? they evaporated rather very abruptly. 

Why should "a just God" punish animals, animals are doing what they were supposed to do right?

Please don't live in guilt, shame. 

We are just "fireflies in a night" in the whole scheme of time and evolution. 

If God exists, we are either too irrelevant to Him or He should be rather benevolent to allow earth to exist till now. 

Volcano happens, earthquake happens, human created issues like pollution, war happens. 

They just happen you can consider the following to interpret the results

1. all is random

2. God is punishing me

3. Hmm...... this is the card I'm dealt with now. What should I do to make it better for me and my fellow being. God or the benevolent universe will sure help me  

You can take any of these interpretations and when you view it through any of the interpretation you can see a majority of things being correct according to the framework but some are incorrect like holes in the illusion 

None of the interpretation is the truth but you can use a framework which will empower and improve you and make you a more positive person and can make it a beautiful experience for you 

Choose your version of framework and you also are choosing your God!!

5 year commitment

You cannot dabble and think of attaining mastery

Any skill needs deliberate practice for a long time. 

You have to be at it even after the thing lost its initial sheen. 

You want to learn table tennis you need 5 year commitment to get to a good level. 

May be in year 1 you would have achieved the proficiency of low hanging fruits but the mastery is made in the incremental improvement of nuances.  

Even for being a decent amateur in say guitar you need at least 5 year commitment. 

So don't have a lot of hobbies have just a few and start with only one and may be post the 1st year you can add another, since the 1st one would have stabilized