Saint Thyagaraja intuitively knew that his end was nearing. He called for his devoted disciple Venkataramana Bhagvathar and entrusted to him the idol of Sri Ram, bundles of palm leaves containing his kritis and tambura.
Venkataramana Bhagvathar knew the importance of the articles given to him and he preserved it with great care. All the articles given to Venkataramana Bhagvathar by Saint Thyagaraja are preserved till date! The palm leaves collection preserved by Venkataramana Bhagvathar, later came to be known as ‘Walajapet Collections’, it attracted the attention of scholars, musicians for study.
Venkataramana Bhagvathar was associated with Saint Thyagaraja for over a quarter of century and he had documented the biography of Thyagaraja. Venkataramana Bhagvathar had himself written hundreds of kritis, one of them ‘Sri Thyagarajashtakam’ which is being rendered at the end of all concerts during Thyagaraja Music Festivals. He also translated Thyagaraja’s opera ‘Nowka Charitam’ from Telugu to Sanskrit.
Venkataramana Bhagvathar had a chain of disciples which was later popularly known as ‘Walajapet Chain Disciples’. Venkataramana Bhagvathar’s school of sishya parampara was very instrumental in the propagation of Saint Thyagaraja’s kritis.